Apostle Kathryn Krick Preaching at 5F Chiurch

How to Receive Complete Deliverance

deliverance maintaining your deliverance sermon

 This message was released by Apostle Kathryn Krick Lead Pastor/ Apostle of 5F Church in Los Angeles, CA on July 25, 2023. Below is a word for word translation of the message as if Apostle Kathryn is writing this to you. To watch the full message scroll to the bottom of this post. We pray this teaching blesses you and equips you to walk as a powerful vessel of God. 

There are certain keys, spiritual keys that unlock complete deliverance. We hear in the Bible - Jesus says to Peter “I give you the keys of the Kingdom(Matthew 16:19). There are keys of the Kingdom that's why so many Christians are lost, are not walking in abundant life, are not walking in the inheritance that God has given them, because it's not something so simple as just you become a believer and you just get abundant life like that and and you're free from the devil completely and you're completely protected just like that, just when you give your life to Jesus – no, there are keys in the spiritual realm that our eyes need to open up to, so we can receive the kingdom keys of the Kingdom, keys that unlock the kingdom of God, keys that unlock your healing and freedom and abundant life! Amen.  

Before I share the keys, let me share this with you. So when it comes to the things of God, it's not like A+B=C no matter what – you know it's not like science like “you do this, you do this, you do this and then this will happen, if you don't do this then this won't happen” so as I share this with you I don't want you to see it in that way but see it knowing that God is God and He can do what He wants and sometimes there's exceptions, sometimes there's mystery, you know, “well I did this and this and this and how come I haven't seen it yet but this person didn't do this and they've received the deliverance?” There's mystery, there's exceptions, amen. 

I'm going to go over a lot of keys that when you apply these you shall see complete freedom in your life but then there's some people that they just give their life to Jesus or maybe they didn't even give their life to Jesus, they're like “God if you're real deliver me right now” they have no faith and they're being kind of prideful about it “you have to do this for me right now or I'm not gonna follow you, I will give my life to you if you do this for me” and I've heard testimonies of God showing up and freeing them and then they give the life to Jesus! I've heard that! you probably heard testimonies like that, right? So that's what I mean there's exceptions, there are times where somebody doesn't even apply any of these keys and they receive, right? So this is first what I want you to know as I'm sharing these with you but, God is a God who has principles and that He wants us to follow these principles and believe in these principles of His Kingdom and that we would understand that He generally moves this way, that this is how the anointing is released, this is how to receive freedom and so that we would step in line with His principles, understanding this is how God chooses to move. Yes He can move outside the box sometimes into different ways but this is His way and I'm going to get in line with His way and be humble you know, not like God you can do whatever just do it, but be humble and learn what are these keys, Lord? and I want to do what you are requiring, what you want for me to do, to access your Kingdom, amen. 

So this is the first key - the biggest key of how to receive deliverance - freedom from demonic oppression. Number one is to:

  1. Position yourself where the anointing is released - where it is flowing

Because in Isaiah 10:27 it says It shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” the yoke, some people just read past the scripture, some people don't like the word anointing, but excuse me – the word anointing is in the word of God

Some people say “what about Jesus?” Jesus is the anointing. That's just religion if people have a problem with the word anointing, it's the missing of the revelations of what's in our Word that's keeping people in bondage! 

Yoke means demonic oppression! Yoke in the physical realm is speaking of ox carrying something heavy, a brace across their neck, pulling weight of humans or goods and it's a brace and they're locked in and it's really heavy, a heavy burden on their neck, they're trapped they cannot remove the yoke on their own, they cannot with their hooves or whatever like take it off, they would need a human to help to take it off them! 

So in the spiritual realm, demonic oppression cannot be taken off by ourselves, cannot be taken off by counseling, self-help books, or by good teaching. It is only the anointing that will remove the yoke! This is the biggest reason why most Christians are in bondage today, because the anointing truthfully has been rare in the body of Christ! 


What is the anointing? The anointing is the power of God that God Himself puts in a vessel and He moves through the vessel in power. 

God can move any way He wants, God can do miracles from the sky, and like I said there's exceptions. God can heal somebody in their room without any vessel and I've heard testimonies just like I shared of that happening, people being free of addiction just in the room, no vessel praying for them, but generally, God's principle, His main way of healing and delivering His people, of releasing miracles, is by His anointing, His power put in a vessel and the vessel walking in obedience to God and in authority so the vessel speaks and declares and when the vessel does that, walks in the authority, God's power follows, and God's power is doing all the miracles. So we command the demons to go but we are not making the demons go, it's Jesus in us, flowing through us, making the demons to go. Amen. 

So Jesus when He was speaking to the disciples, sharing the Great Commission to them He was telling them to preach the gospel, tell them that the Kingdom is at hand and cast out demons and heal the sick, raise the dead! So Jesus didn't say a whole long thing about the commission, it was simple - it was not a lot. But what's wild is that these days we're only usually doing “preach the gospel” when it's not even like how do we lose the rest of it? It’s not that complicated, the assignment he gave us to do! Amen, okay. 

So Jesus did not say to the disciples “Pray to me that I will come down from heaven and cast the demon out of a person” He says “You cast out the demon” – once again it's not us doing the miracles but He chooses to put the anointing in us and we have to walk in the authority - cast the demon out, walk in the authority, so the power can move through us! 

So the fact that Jesus says cast out demons, heal the sick, that's showing to us that this is God's main way of moving in power, of releasing miracles, of freeing his people, is that He would put His power in vessels and His vessels would walk in authority and He would move through the vessels. That's His way of moving amen. That's how it's supposed to be. Hallelujah. We're all supposed to be powerful vessels of God! Hallelujah! This is what we see from Elijah to Elisha. Elijah was doing all these mighty signs wonders and miracles, raising the dead, healing the sick, fire coming down from heaven, making it rain, and then Elisha his spiritual son, was doing the same exact miracles, received the mantle from him, received a double portion even, was doing even more miracles than him! Then we see Moses! Moses split the Sea by God's power! He lifted his staff and the sea split! He would put the staff in the water and it would turn to blood. The signs and wonders were done by Moses walking in authority & God’s power moving through him! But all of those miracles and signs, the deliverance of all of those Israelites out of Egypt, it happened by God using a vessel in power! It’s just God's way of moving, amen!  

Then we see in the New Testament, we see as Jesus said, this Great Commission, cast out the demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, and then we see, all of these Apostles, all of these disciples, we start to see prophets evangelists, we see them walking in God's power, we see miracles happening. When we read the book of Acts, you will see this happening again and again, these Apostles, these disciples, these five-fold ministers, walking in God's power and if you want to ask yourself or ask God “how did miracles happen in the Acts Church? What should we do?” Go to the book of Acts – right? That's where we'll find the answer, not from other religious doctrine you've been listening to, go in the word of God, go in the book of Acts and that's where you will find the answer: How were people receiving healing and freedom? What were they doing? Let's do that! Let's go to the book of Acts right now and find out what they were doing. 

Acts 5:12

“The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people and all the believers were meeting regularly at the Temple in the area known as Solomon’s Colonnade”

(So once again, here, we see this is God's way of releasing His power, moving through vessels.)

Going to verse 14 - Acts 5:14-16 “Yet more and more people believed and were brought to the Lord—crowds of both men and women. As a result of the apostles’ work, sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter’s shadow might fall across some of them as he went by. Crowds came from the villages around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those possessed by evil spirits, and they were ALL healed. 

This is my favorite part – all of them were healed! 

I get excited every time I read that scripture because the word of God's alive! oh I'm getting more and more revelation from that every time. I get more and more excited, we're gonna see this in our day, that every person that comes to the service is healed! Because it happened back then through normal ordinary people. This was through Peter it was happening, Apostle Peter and he was just a fisherman and God moved in power through him and all were healed. Simply there is our answer. It's not rocket science. Position yourself where the anointing is flowing and simply be healed and free. It is not about one-on-one prayer. It's about positioning yourself where the anointing is, like for all of you here today, every single one of you and you watching online, you have positioned yourself where the anointing is released and flowing and so you are in the shadow like back then, Apostle Peter’s shadow, it was speaking the sun was coming down and his shadow was touching people - today the shadow is everybody here & everybody watching online, so you were all here, so guess what that means? The anointing must hit you all. Jesus in power must hit you & touch you all. That's it. It does not say anything about how they had to get in this long line and line up for one-on-one prayer with Apostle Peter. It does not say that. 

It's so powerful. It doesn't even say he was saying a bunch of words and it definitely doesn't say he was even putting hands, it doesn't say he was screaming loud, it doesn't say that there was a big fight with the demons. The anointing was so powerful in him. And so all he had to do was walk in his authority. He might have said something like “as I pass by this anointing must come and touch every person here and every demonic spirit has to leave as I pass by, every sickness has to be healed.” He might have said something simple like that. You don't even have to say words even, because when you're walking in your authority, you're already walking in your authority. Demons already get scared and have to leave because it's like fire coming upon you. The words are an extra oomph, you know, extra authority, but the authority is already there. So it could have been something like that and Peter just walking by. And it says that all the demons and sickness left people just by him passing by, so easily they were leaving. Why was it so easy for them back then to receive healing and deliverance and it's not so easy today by and large in the body of Christ? Because Peter carried the anointing. That's what we need .The anointing. It's the anointing that destroys the yoke. Amen. Hallelujah.  

So this is literally the biggest key of how to receive deliverance – this is the biggest one – to position yourself where the anointing is. As we could see with Peter, that's all that was needed, sometimes that's the only key that you need. That's the only key that you need to unlock your deliverance, is to simply show up or simply tune in online and boom! That anointing hits you, demon sent out, you're free. That's it. Sometimes there are other keys that are needed to unlock the bondage because the demonic torment is a little bit more complex or just based on your case in the spiritual realm, there's another key that's needed to unlock your freedom.  

The next keys that I'm going to be sharing with you, these keys, when we use these keys to unlock the freedom, what's happening is, these keys are making the demons grip to be loosened. It's making them lose their legal access, sometimes just showing up where the anointing is, that's all that's needed, especially the higher level anointing that there is and we know Peter was walking in a higher level, Peter and Paul we see walking in higher levels of anointing even. Acts 19:11 it says God was doing such extraordinary and unusual miracles through the hands of Apostle Paul that they would bring handkerchiefs and aprons to the demon possessed and sick they would bring them first to Paul, touch him, his anointed body, bring him to the sick and demon possessed and they would be free. Simple. Like that.

It says in Acts 19:11 God was doing such extraordinary, so we know there's such a thing as extraordinary anointing. There's such a thing as different levels of anointing. And so the higher level the anointing is, the less keys that are going to need to be used for some people. Now once again, this is not like A plus B equals C. It doesn't mean if there is such a high level anointing like Peter's here today or Paul's here today, then that means “none of us have to renounce.” It doesn't mean it like that, but it does mean that not as many people would have to renounce, for example, not as many people will have to use as many keys, so it's not like if there's a higher level anointing, we only need the anointing, we don't need other keys, it's not like a concrete thing like that. 

Sometimes because of the deep spiritual torment or because of just how your spiritual case is, you do need to use other keys, whether it's high level anointing or middle level anointing but generally even some of you may have seen the anointing even has increased here and so demons are going even quicker than they used to. I see that in my ministry. Before they would not go as fast but now they'll go faster you know, it's having to do with the demon's grip. When the anointing is stronger they're like “ah I can't even hold on.” Amen, but that's a big reason why sometimes there's more of a fight sometimes, it's because the person is not using the right keys that they need to, but sometimes there's a big fight, you know, a person is there for hours, many times it's because that anointing isn't strong enough. They're seeing the demons manifest so much, they're manifesting, because the person does carry anointing, but that demon is able to hold on still and they're being hurt by the fire of the anointing, but they're still being able to hold on still. So what we need to do is to find out the legal access that the demons have to have any kind of grip. 

So this message that I'm sharing for you today is for you to know how to be completely free yourself, but number two, as God's calling you to cast out demons as well, so you can know in the spiritual realm how to free someone by God's power, what keys are needed, amen. Hallelujah.


The second most important key is faith. 

It says in Matthew 13:54. I'm going to actually read the last verse, 58, in this scripture, Jesus came to His hometown and because people knew him they could not see him as an anointed vessel of God, it was too hard for them, they couldn't humble themselves enough and they were just like what? Where did He get all this power? So they could not have faith, they could not see Jesus as God in Jesus, as God's power moving through Jesus, they only saw him as an ordinary man so they did not have faith. They did not have faith in Jesus the Healer and deliverer, and so the Bible says verse 58 He did not do many miracles there in Nazareth because of their unbelief. 

First of all, notice it says He did not do many miracles. Other translations say He healed a couple, this is where I'm telling you, there is an exception sometimes. So I mean if you bring your family member that has no faith, don't be discouraged like “oh I might as well not bring them because they don't have faith.” No, make room for exceptions of God, this is why we're to take all limits off of God and be people of hope no matter what & not think wow they don't have faith so – no! God can do anything, let this be the exception. 

If you have a family member that does not have faith, if they will come with free will here, bring them! Let God do the rest. God surely is here. Hallelujah & God will touch them, they will see, maybe they refuse to watch videos before because the demons in them were like refusing to have them watch but now they're forced to watch and they will not be able to deny the glory of God, the power of God, Amen! So bring them! And this is how faith will even come. 

I love this testimony I shared it I think it was yesterday I shared it or maybe it was two weeks ago but like last year there was a mom who brought her son who was depressed, did not want to come to church, he was a teenager but she brought him and demons started to tremble in him when he was there, and he renounced and he fell down with the power of God and God delivered him! He came up, he took his glasses off, he says “I can see” and then he ended up having a whole encounter with God where God took him up in heaven and he talked to Jesus himself and he was testifying like all these scriptures and on fire for God when before he wasn't really a believer! Hallelujah! 

I know there's other testimonies of people watching online. I remember there's a woman part of our 5F family, she was believing a little bit but she just had the videos on, she wasn't paying attention, she was scrolling on her phone, she was watching one of my replays videos and demons started to manifest in her and she's not even watching and the demons were saying out of her actually something like “this shouldn't be able to happen this is this is the TV!” like they were so angry because demons have been around for a while and Hallelujah! Yeah take that devil! Take that, demons! God will get you through the TV. And she was set free and this woman is on fire for God now she's trying to move here, now she wants to move here from across the country to be with us every week. This has happened like a few months ago I think and then she said a couple weeks ago she shared how her son didn't really believe but she just had him there with the video on and he was set free and now he's watching the videos with her. Hallelujah! Hallelujah. 

So you know this is why this says Jesus couldn't do many miracles except for some, He could do some. So there's an exception that if there isn't faith God can still do miracles. But generally this is the principle that you need to believe. And it's like this, you can come here and be a sponge and soak up the anointing and so come here humble, open, with faith, like a sponge and you will receive so much or you can come here and be a rock, which if a rock is in a river if you cut it in half, it's dry in the middle. So you could come here and not be changed if you're choosing in your heart to be like a rock. 

So if you want to receive the fullness from God, freedom, miracles, have faith, increase your faith, speak aloud, God, I believe. It's not about your feelings. If you're struggling, because the devil will try to come in your mind with lies, declare out loud, reject him, “I reject every spirit of unbelief, every lie of unbelief, I believe by His stripes I am healed I will be healed I will be free I believe. Even though I've had this oppression or sickness my whole life many many years I will be free I will be healed, I believe!” Even if you don't say it with that enthusiasm because like the devil's attacks are so strong and you're just saying I believe I will be healed - that counts, that is faith - God counts that is faith.  

So come with faith, I don't mean get your feelings there, your feelings will follow. Take the action of faith to reject the devil, just get here and speak aloud I will be free I will be healed I believe by His stripes I'm healed - that's having faith. That's having faith. And so some of you haven't received complete freedom and for some of you, the key might be to increase your faith. You need to increase your faith and God will do it. Amen. 

We see this principle also with the disciples with the apostles. Mark 2:2. There was a paralyzed man, oh I love this, they could not bring this paralyzed man because the crowd was so big and they brought him and they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lower the mat the man was lying on, when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven” when He saw the faith and he was healed. And he was healed. Amen, when he saw the faith, the power was released.

The woman with the issue of blood, she had this faith, that if I position myself where the anointing is, the Anointed One is, if I just get there, and I just touch His robe, the meaning of that was positioning herself where the anointing was going to be released. I know I will be healed, she says. And so she touched, and Jesus felt power leave him. So there's this principle where faith releases the power, this is powerful because Jesus didn't even say be healed, he says power left me, you're already healed, your faith has made you well. See it's not about one-on-one prayer, it's positioning yourself and having faith and the power is released. 

And so me as an anointed vessel, the anointing is flowing for you, the anointing is like reaching out to every person and it's coming out stronger for those who have faith. It's nothing to do with one-on-one prayer. It's simply having to do with positioning yourself where the anointing is & having faith. Pull the power out. Whether you're in the front row, one-on-one prayer, in the back row, watching online, pull the power out like that woman with the issue of blood and the power will just hit you without me having to give a one-on-one prayer for you. That's why so many times I pray for someone, I declare a word, demons go, spirit of depression go or something, & demon screams out of somebody in the back of the room! Sometimes it's several screaming, I'm not praying for that person one-on-one prayer, it has nothing to do with one-on-one prayer. It's the anointing! You're where the anointing is, you believe, the authority is released, and every demon has to obey! The power of God comes upon every person. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 

I love this because there's a gentleman, I don't know if this family's here today, precious family, there's an elderly man, he looks like he's in his 80s or so and he has a granddaughter or niece, I don't know, a family member and her I think cousin, he's young he's like 10 or something or 8 or something and they’ve come here many times, I don't know if they're here today, but this woman she lifted the wheelchair up here, and I said you're like the the paralyzed man coming down from the roof and she says that's what God told me right now, that I needed to do that and I declared over him and we didn't see anything physically happen because many times not how it works, it's in the spiritual realm that things are happening, and sometimes there's a physical manifestation, amen, but they testified the next week that he's completely different!  Hallelujah! Hallelujah! He was having such issues with his mind but then he was like thinking straight and he was having conversations, the little boy, like the eight-year-old boy was testifying too, like “my grandpa's back like he's joking” he said he wasn't doing that before and now he's at church praising God and she goes “I've never seen him praise God and he is praising God now and he's lifting his hands and singing” Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

So it was the faith and sometimes, it's the faith of family members, just as Jesus says, believe & your child will be free, your child will be raised from the dead, your child will be healed. He says this multiple times, sometimes your child doesn't have to have faith sometimes, sometimes you have the faith and that's the key amen.

We also see Acts 14:8. There was someone who was lame, he had been that way since birth and never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed, and called out “Stand up on your feet!” At that the man jumped up and began to walk.So he saw, it was like Oh, he has faith for this miracle, I'm going to declare it and release it to him, so sometimes that faith is an important key! Let God see your faith, so He can make that power come upon you, amen.

The next important key is surrender – surrender to God. 

Once again this is not an absolute rule because as I shared with you, many times people are unbelievers and they get delivered. That's how it was with Jesus, He was ministering He'd cast the demons out and then people would get to know His amazing love through that deliverance, so sometimes that's how it is and in that case surrender isn't required but to receive complete freedom especially, Surrender is very important. You've got to be willing first of all to surrender the world's ways, the open doors that you've allowed of the enemy, you gotta actually close them or that legal access is going to remain there, they're having legal access because you haven't surrendered because you're keeping the door open because you're keeping the relationship, because you're keeping the alcohol & the drugs there, because you're keeping the movies you shouldn't be watched, playing, because you're keeping on speaking the words of death you know you shouldn't be able to. 

We learned before how sometimes you're being controlled by a demonic spirit in one of these areas so you can't shut the door technically, I'm not talking about those situations. Like anger for example, a spirit of anger, you can try so hard to not be angry but there's a demonic spirit controlling that part and so you need freedom but once you're free you need to close that door, you need to crucify your flesh, when you get the urge to be angry you need to stop because you're no longer in bondage and you can with God's help amen.

So you gotta make that decision. Lord when you free me I'm never going to do these things again and these areas in your life that you don't need freedom from you just need to crucify your flesh. You need to crucify your flesh. Stop it. Stop the sinning, close the doors, surrender to God, amen. 

You also need to surrender to God when you come to this place. You need to surrender to God however He wants to touch you and free you. Some of you are looking too much at me, you're looking too much at human vessels, when you need to be looking at Jesus. 

So when I'm talking about how faith is a principle, I'm also speaking about a specific kind of faith, this is to rewind to go back a little bit. When you come here you need to have the right kind of faith. Not just, I believe that God exists and that maybe He can heal me maybe He can do miracles, but you need to have the right kind of faith of - this is my inheritance from Jesus, healing and deliverance and abundant life, so I know that I'm going to receive today, this is my inheritance. It's not a matter of “will God do it? God if you want, I wonder if you'll do it” I'm coming to receive my inheritance and it is actually already mine, you need to come with the right kind of faith. 

Some people can have big faith in the existence of God, some people can have beautiful relationship with the Holy Spirit, but they're not having the right kind of faith to receive their healing and freedom and abundant life, you need to have the right kind of faith in that area and you also need to have the right kind of faith with how God releases His power, the fact that He uses vessels, so you need to have that faith of “okay, I see where God is moving through vessels, I see where God is like I've located Apostle Peter, Apostle Paul of today, Elijah of today amen. I'm locating the Kingdom of God, where there's high level anointing, Hallelujah. I've located it and I've heard testimonies and so I know that when I go there, I'm going to receive the anointing of God upon my life, I know that as these people have been healed, these people have been free, I will be free too, because I'm coming where the anointing is”.

This is a principle of how God releases His miracles and it says in the book of Acts that all of them were healed who came under Apostle Peter's shadow, so “as I come to 5F church, where the anointing is being released, I too shall be healed, all of them were healed then, all of them will be healed today, that includes me, and so I'm having faith that whether I'm sitting in the back, I'm in the front, I'm watching online, I will receive the anointing” 

What your eyes are on is Jesus, when I said the anointing, I mean Jesus, Jesus in power, so your eyes are on Jesus, not Apostle Kathryn, honor is great, honor is important, honor is very important, it's very important to honor anointed vessels of God but that's it, no glory, no focus should be on the vessel. Honor, thank you, that's important, that's actually a key of how to receive in more anointing, but that's it, we cannot go into the into this lane this wrong place of looking too much as the person is a miracle worker and sometimes if you're having so much of “when Apostle Kathryn prays for me one on one then I'll be healed” no. Like it's good to understand where the anointing is being released, yes but not to limit God, not to make my one-on-one prayer more powerful than God touching you however he wants. 

Amen so you have to have that right kind of faith. Some of you are having this wrong kind of faith, limiting God and thinking that you need to have one-on-one prayer with just me, and there's a reason God's not having me call on you, because He needs you to get out of this wrong kind of faith and focus on Him! God knows some of you need that, God knows that if some of you I pray for one-on-one, you would start to think it was me too much so he's purposely not even having me pray for you one-on-one, He's waiting for you to humble yourself to receive this word that's being released and surrender, to surrender to God how He wants to deliver you and touch you. And so some of you God has that plan for you to receive your miracle where you're standing, where you're sitting, that's the reason why because he wants you to see fully this is Him doing it, other people don't have that problem, I pray for them, they know it's God doing it but some of you God needs it to happen this way, and so you're holding yourself back from being free because God's waiting for you to surrender, to how He wants to deliver you, amen. Hallelujah. 

So this is also part of the surrender is not just closing the doors but it's surrendering to how God wants to free you and however it looks like, unashamed of him whether you scream, the demons scream out of your words, either your manifest or not who cares, it's all for the glory of God. I surrender Jesus. Whether people see it or not, I just want you to be glorified & you to have your way. If people see your love and power through my deliverance and it reaches millions, it goes viral. Hallelujah. I will be so honored as was Mary Magdalene in the Bible who had many demons cast out of her and she was honored to be written about in the word of God, that Jesus set her free and she became a mighty disciple of Jesus amen. We need to have that heart and that surrender! 

Those are the main core keys.  

The next important key is not like a rule like you must do this, but it is for some people, it is going to be a key that unlocks freedom for some people and that's to renounce. 

To renounce means repenting and it means to speak aloud that you do not want the devil's portion in your life anymore, that you do not want to open up the doors of the devil anymore, that you acknowledge the way that demons came in and got their legal access you're identifying and locating, it's like you're going to court and you're getting this taken care of legally. You're saying, this is where you came in, I renounce that, I renounce doing the drugs, I renounce sleeping around, I renounce agreeing with this sickness spoken over my life and speaking again and again, I renounce the sickness, I renounce the anxiety, I renounce the depression, I renounce the demonic soul tie, and when you're doing that, that's you legally coming in the courts of Heaven, using your authority in Christ and saying I do not want the devil anymore in my life, I want God's will, I'm using my authority, I'm speaking it aloud and and legally in the spiritual realm the demons have to leave the devil has to leave when you give your life to Jesus. This is your inheritance, that demons have to leave, so this is sometimes part of the legal way in the spiritual realm of being free, the demons are losing their legal access because you are using your authority, it's not just you’re coming and you're receiving the anointing but now you're really using your own authority. 

So everyone should renounce, but not everyone, but for some or many, it's a key for them to be free, so every single person should renounce, that's simply saying I don't want the devil's portion of my life anymore, I don't want your will devil anymore, and I don't want to open up these doors anymore, I want God's will, every one of us should be doing that, should be confessing these things out loud, amen but for for some of you this is actually going to be a key that unlocks your deliverance

There's been many times I've seen demonic torment becomes more complex when demonic covenants have been made – to say I want to die or I want to kill myself, in the spiritual realm that's actually a demonic covenant you're making with a spirit of suicide/satan. You're giving legal access for the spirit of suicide to come in so strong. 

So what happens is, it's not a demon of suicide at first, you're not in bondage, but the devil comes outwardly to everybody and the more we don't resist him the more he's allowed legal access to come in, but when we resist him, he has to flee, as the Bible says. So this is how many people end up with suicidal spirits and end up killing themselves is because the devil's coming an outward way with lies and they think it's just truth and they don't know they can be free they don't and many people don't know Jesus can free them and they just think this is just they have to live with this voice in their head every single second saying kill yourself.  So eventually they listen to it because they're tricked by the devil and they think that that's their own original thought and they think that that the lies of the devil that says “your life will be so much better when you just kill yourself” well even though your life ends, but “this will end now this torment will end if you will just kill yourself” – they believe it and so they do it. 

It comes from this demonic attack that turns into a demonic spirit. So it starts as a demonic attack, not a spirit always, it comes as an outward attack, not a demon within, an outward attack saying “you should die you should kill yourself” something like that, and then a person is feeling it, now they're feeling the lies and they say I want it, I just want to die, and that becomes that open door where the demon now has legal access to come in and now amp up those lies super strong, that's bondage now, where a person needs deliverance. And so many times I've seen this as I ministered, many times especially earlier on, I would say suicide spirit must go and a demon would still be there, and the Lord would lead me to ask the person if they want to renounce, if they ever said I want to kill myself and they did, and I asked them to renounce it the moment they renounced it, they were free! 

There was also a gentleman he made a deal with the devil he's in LA, he was a christian but lukewarm in like low 20s, and his his uncle got in a car accident, it was like about to die it seemed and so he was really desperate and he had heard in rap songs that about people making deals with the devil so he's like I guess this might be real and he was desperate and he had no idea about the power of Jesus, and so he literally just like goes out in Hollywood looking to make a deal with the devil and like the devil could see that, so the devil sent him someone from scientology, and the guy knew just what to do to help him, “help him”, and first of all he asked the gentleman, his name's Manny, the testimony is on my YouTube I'll have to reshare it's from like a year and a half ago when the revival just broke out, I'll have to reshare after this so check out my social media after this, I'll post it, it's powerful. 

 So he said to the guy Manny, he said well you need to give up something – this is the way of the devil – the blessings of God come without sorrow, the blessings which are not blessings, but you can get things from the devil that you want, but they come with sorrow, so he says I'll give up my happiness, so he says are you sure? he says yes, and so he had him actually take some blood and he signed in blood! And there's power in the blood, in the Word of God we see such power of it, in the way of Jesus and even before Jesus that's why they were sacrificing animals because there was some power in it to cover up the sins, not remove them but cover.

In the demonic realm, blood has power too, it deepens the curse, it deepens the covenant. So the deeper demonic torment comes in different ways. For one is a covenant, to speak aloud I want to die or I want my uncle to live so you can have my happiness, I'll give you that (the devil), to speak that, that's a covenant. So that becomes deeper torment immediately and then blood covenant becomes even deeper, blood signing and so this gentleman so this is the story of this gentleman. 

So now fast forward years later, he is tormented, he is so depressed like never before in his life, his life is awful because of this, his uncle ended up surviving, but his life was was horrible after like very sick even though he survived, but then he had a dream one day of a female voice saying something like leave in the order you entered him and he looked everywhere for this female voice because he knew it was God because it was such a God dream and he was looking like a Joyce Meyer and everything and he couldn't find it And then one day he found 5F church, he found my videos, our videos, and Hallelujah! and he was like that’s the voice! And so he came here and Shawn Bolz came that day and did a little documentary of it so you can see he shares the video too, but so he came that day and he demons were trembling in him so much manifesting and I was command demons to go and then all of a sudden the demon said  “We made a deal! We made a deal!” and so I said “Allow him to speak” and I said “did you make a deal with the devil?” He says “yes” and then he shares and he says “I renounce this, this deal” and the moment he renounced - he was set free! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

Ever since that day, he testified later, I did a live with him like an interview, like weeks later, update, and he said that he feels joy like he felt when he was five years old! His joy was restored and more since like when he was five, praise God! Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 

So sometimes renouncing is the key. Sometimes this specific renouncing. There's been times sometimes I minister with people and the Lord's leading me to say “There's a covenant” and then all of a sudden God will bring a memory of when they were a child doing some weird covenant thing, that was actually demonic, and they didn't realize it was demonic, but some weird covenant like blood sister type thing or something with branding yourself with an iron or something, just different strange things, you know, like they think are harmless but is actually led by the devil and it and it brought bondage and they renounced it and they were free! So if you've been into deeper demonic stuff, in witchcraft, you should know that this is definitely going to be a key for you to renounce and to renounce specifically. Amen. Hallelujah. 

Acts 19:11-12, 17

God was doing extraordinary and unusual miracles by the hands of Paul so that even handkerchiefs that had touched his skin were brought to the sick and their diseases left them and evil spirits came out of them they became known to all who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks. and fear fell upon them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified and exalted.

Okay so listen to this next verse, so this is upon speaking of revival, the Acts church revival of when many miracles were happening and then all of a sudden it says this verse in the same passage (Acts 19:18) many of those who would become believers were coming confessing and disclosing their former sinful practices. This was actually renouncing. This was not just like “oh let me get this off my chest because we're the body of Christ let me be open”.This was actually renouncing. They were renouncing in the book of Acts. This is where we see renouncing in the Bible, in the New Testament, amen. 

And then the next verse (Acts 19:19) says and many of those who had practiced magical arts collected their books and throwing book after book on the pile began burning them in front of everyone. They calculated their value and found it to be 50,000 pieces of silver, so the word of the Lord was growing greatly and prevailing. 

This next key of receiving complete deliverance is to throw away items that have demonic attachments to it because as we see here, physical items can have demonic attachments to it. That's why they were burning them. so once again they're not burning it like “I'm not a witch anymore take that devil, burning it” no – they were being free through this. So we see renouncing and we've seen renouncing these objects and throwing away the objects and they were being free. This is what's happening here. Hallelujah. 

So there's many different objects that can have demonic attachments to it. With demonic soul ties, many times there's a demonic attachment to an item, jewelry many times. Sometimes a person could give you jewelry and their intention is in a manipulative way to keep you forever as theirs. This can be boyfriend/girlfriend but this could be just friends. Girls and guys out there, when you're just friends, and you're just wanting to be friends, just be aware of these things okay? Because sometimes, when a girl or guy doesn't want the other one but the one does, the devil will really try to work in that spirit of manipulation. So be aware of that, okay? Be aware when a person is starting to seem kind of controlling and and not listen to you and force their way and be aware when they want to give you jewelry, if you're getting a weird feeling because of these red flags of manipulation and control and not respecting you, that's a red flag from God saying don't accept that. Sometimes you can just take something but not actually receive it yourself and immediately throw it away. That's fine, we don't need to be like “I will not ever get any gift from anybody”, you don't have to be like that you know? But be led by the Holy Spirit, if someone's being really forceful like you don't have to feel like you have to be nice and accept it, just follow the leading of the Holy Spirit but know that you're protected when in your heart you're not receiving it. “Thank you I detach myself from this and I throw it away”. Amen.

It doesn't have to be jewelry, this can be any kind of item that someone gave you and you felt manipulation on it, maybe you were given something and you noticed the bondage came after it, that is God showing you, you should get rid of this. Even like maybe somebody gave you something and they did you wrong. You love them, you've forgiven them, but they really hurt you and you just keep seeing this thing, it's like a reminder, just get rid of it! You know? Just be aware that you do not need to feel like you need to keep everything, you don't need to hoard everything, amen. Many of these things are spiritual and we need to really be wise and aware of them.

If you have new age books, new age things, crystals that you've put your faith in for healing. Crystals in general are fine but when you put your faith in them for healing or for something supernatural, that is opening a door to a demon. Also I wouldn't go into a crystal store and buy like that were designed to be for supernatural powers and buy it. So I'm saying crystals in general are fine, but just walk in wisdom, you know? I'm not going to go into a psychic store and buy a crystal you know? But to get jewelry that has a crystal in it that's okay you know? Hallelujah. 

So if you have had these crystals or other things that you put your faith in for supernatural healing, sage, you put your faith in sage to protect your house from demons, that's demonic! Anything like crystals, sage, tarot cards, any object or method of accessing something supernatural, healing, the future, good luck, prosperity, that's all demonic! It's all accessing demon powers, demonic powers. It is opening a door to a demon, you can have a demon just from believing in something and having that item, or going to a psychic and that's how you can open a door. So you should get rid of all of those things, all witchcraft things, all new age things. All things you put your faith in for something. Maybe even you had a lucky ring and you thought that you know it's not like that's a crystal or anything you didn't buy it from a new age shop but there's this ring that you just have, this superstition thing, like “I have good luck when I wear this” Get rid of that! You only need Jesus for everything! Amen nothing else. Hallelujah. So this is sometimes a key that's unlocking your freedom, you need to just get rid of this thing that's in your house that you have. 

Those are the main keys.

The one last key I'm going to share with you is sowing into God's Kingdom. So to surrender to Jesus, means to give all of yourself to Him. He instructs us to sow into His kingdom, this is an instruction He gives us, He actually instructs us to be generous. 

So first of all to sow, to give to God is already an instruction from God, our money is not our own, so we have to be very careful that when we feel so resistant to giving to God, we have to make sure we are freed from religious thinking, you know we're not seeing the spiritual importance of giving, that it's obedience to God, that this is what He's asking us to do and it's how we receive MORE! It's how we receive more! It's how we reap! We have to make sure we are seeing rightly, the significance, the importance of sowing,

In the church there's been a lot of religious doctrine, when it comes to tithing/giving, there's been abuse, there really has been abuse, where churches, ministries, ministers abused money that came into the church! So we have to really make sure we are free of things that are holding us back from sowing into God's True Kingdom, so we can receive all that God has for us, amen. 

So first of all it's important that we know that being generous and giving to God's kingdom is already what God is asking us to do, amen, so sometimes when there has been deep demonic torment, demonic bondage, especially in past generations, especially if there has been witchcraft, especially if you yourself or past generations have actively sown into the devil's Kingdom, given money to the devil's kingdom, accessed demonic powers and done witchcraft, when you're actively sowing into the devil's kingdom and being a part, that means that there is going to be a much deeper torment bondage and a stronger legal access of the devil, than just opening up doors of anxiety, like speaking words of death you know, anxiety depression, doing drugs, alcohol, those open doors to demons, doing those things, but when you're actively sowing into the devil's kingdom? That means there's going to be a greater bondage. So this is when there's more keys that will need to be accessed to release that complete freedom,  the grip is very strong and we should humble ourselves to know that there are so many people who aren't free so that means that there must be KEYS that have not been released yet, amen. We need to humble ourselves. 

So in more extreme cases when you have sowed so much into the devil's kingdom, when past generations have sowed so much into the devil's kingdom, when you sow into God's kingdom, it removes the reaping of the devil's kingdom QUICKER. To give your life to God, to serve God, to serve Him in the church, to serve Him with whatever He's asking you to do, to be a vessel of God, being nothing but love to others, that's all sowing into God's Kingdom, amen. But also is sowing money into God's Kingdom. That's also sowing. 

So when we also are generous in that part too, it makes the reaping of the devil's kingdom be removed quicker. It's more weight and that's how we should treat sowing in general. When you have needs, even if you are free, but the devil is coming back so strong, outward attacks, not inward, you're free but he's coming back so strong you should sow a seed, for this need. 

I believe I am free. This is me putting my stake in the ground. I am sealing what God has done. I believe in the power of this anointing. I'm accessing more now.  I want to reap more of this anointing. I want to get rid of all of the reaping. 

Because many times when you're suffering those outward attacks after you've been free and this is many of you, some of you think you need more deliverance because the attacks are so much on your mind, but you're already free. It's just that when you have gone so much in the demonic realm, if you've opened a lot of doors in the past, it's like the devil will try harder to try to take your freedom, than he would to others who didn't open up so many doors. It's part of that reaping. So you're free and you're still walking in abundant life and you still have peace and joy, but your journey is just a little bit different to the promised land from Egypt than others who didn't open up as many doors.

So you need to take it seriously, giving your whole self to God, sowing specific seeds for complete freedom. Amen 

The more we give to God, the more we reap, the more we give to God, in every way, in every way, the more the devil has to leave! The more you sow, the more you'll reap! The Bible says whoever sows abundantly will reap abundantly! Amen! Test him in this! Amen Hallelujah!


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