Big Reason Why People Are Offended
Proverbs 18:2
A close minded fool does not delight in understanding.
So we need to delight in understanding.
Also, in order to not be easily offended or fall into the devil’s trap of being offended, we need to be lovers of the Word.
It says in Psalms 119:165
Great peace have those who love your law. Nothing can make them stumble.
Psalms 119:165 Passion Translation
There is such a great peace and wellbeing that comes to the lovers of your Word. And they will never be offended.
So this translation says the word “they will never be offended when they love your Word“. The other translation says “nothing can make them stumble“.
So to be offended is to stumble, to give into the devil‘s trap. A big reason why many people are being offended easily and are falling into that trap of the devil is because they are not loving the Word. To love the Word means to make the Word of God the most important thing in the world. To have reverence for it. Respect for God‘s Word. And you respect it and love it so much that you eat it all the time, that you intake it all the time.
And when I say ‘the Word‘, I am talking about the written Word of God and the Rhema present tense spoken Word of God that is released in the messages where you are planted.
So this Word, the messages and the Word of God, you should be reading / listening to all the time. If you really love it, if you love the Word, you will love with action. Your life will revolve around the Word of God if you really love it. So you will listen and you will take it as: This is my direction for my life! This is the keys God has given me to be in his will and to flourish and to have abundance.
You get excited about it! And you feel passionate about it. And you get it so much in you that it becomes natural to live by the Word. You don’t have to try so hard. Your fleshly nature will diminish because there is no room for it anymore. You become too spiritual because you‘ve taken in so much of the Word that your fleshly, carnal nature has been pushed down.
Sometimes if a little temptation comes, it‘s not so strong. You are so full of the Word of God that it is quick, you know what to do. “No, I reject that. This is how God wants me to live. This is his Word. This is his instruction."
So when that temptation of offense comes, it‘s quick: “No! I delight in understanding. I give this person the benefit of the doubt. I bless them. I forgive them. I am not letting them devil steal my joy and distract me. I am in the house of God. I am not letting the devil distract me and keep me from receiving today. I rejoice in this day that the Lord has made. I rejoice to be in the house of the Lord. I‘m keeping my mind there."
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