How Christlike Character Came
To have my spiritual father there at that event, at Revival is Now Philippines, was one of the greatest honors of my entire life.
I know more than any of you know, even though I share with you, but only I know deep down in my heart how much he played such a big part in what we experienced in the Philippines and what we experienced here at 5F Church and in this revival. I know that it was because of his words he prophesied to me. I know it was because of his encouragement for me when things were really hard. I know it was because of his guidance, his correction, his equipping. Teaching me about the things of the spiritual realm, teaching me how demons operate and how to have victory in the spiritual realm so that God‘s people can be free. Amen.
So whenever anybody gives me honor, if anyone just honors me in any way, my eyes go right to Jesus. My mind goes right to Jesus. Because it‘s only by his grace and only by his power.
Public speaking was my biggest fear and weakness. And now I could be on a stage in front of 8,000 people with not a single nerve, a butterfly in my stomach. That is supernatural! That is truly supernatural!
I was naturally a brave kid except for when it came to public speaking. There was a class I took in College where I had to give a presentation. I had to speak in front of 10 or 12 people. And I went numb in the brain.
Have you ever experienced that? When you can’t talk or think? But brain dead! Blank! That‘s how I would be. Not one time but every time whenever I would try to present to people. That‘s only God that he took me from there to here and gave me the ability to speak. I never experienced God moving in power through me before receiving this prophecy over my life. I never heard prophetic things for people’s lives. I never prayed for people and saw miracles happen. I think one time I saw one miracle when I prayed for somebody. Just one time. And now look what God is doing for his glory. That‘s only Jesus!
And the only way all of you are here and 8,000 people came to the Philippines is because they want Jesus. They want his power. You are not here to hear me speak, to hear a person speak, to hear a nice sermon. You are not here for some good worship songs, you are not here for entertainment, for comedy. You are not here so you can check off the box on your list of being a good Christian.
I know why you‘re all here. You are here for Jesus! You are here to encounter Jesus! You are here to encounter his power. And so all that happened in the Philippines and all that‘s happened here is only because of God‘s power. It‘s not because of anything else. It‘s not because of any person’s greatness, not because of my greatness or my great ability to speak or something. Great communicator. It‘s none of that. It‘s all God‘s power. It‘s all his miraculous power that he has done to tear down the walls of Jericho. To tear down the walls of religion and old wine, that has kept people from receiving this new wine in this anointing. That all of you are here today through all of those attacks of the devil, all of these „Exposed-videos“ and all of that persecution. But look what God has done! All of it has failed. He made the wall to come down. Only God can do that! Only God can make my heart more like his. Only God can give me fruits of the spirit and give me a heart like his. Only Jesus!
So whenever anybody honors me, like says: „You‘re pure in heart. You‘re humble. You‘re compassionate. I feel the love of God through you“, my eyes just go to God. I just know that it‘s completely him. It‘s not something that I conjured up, it‘s not something that I was born with. It is only Jesus that has done this. My eyes go to Jesus and my eyes then go to my spiritual father.
Because God‘s way of moving for the most part is through vessels.
And Paul says: Imitate me as I imitate Christ.
That‘s the biblical principle of how to become more like Jesus, of how to be transformed into the image of Jesus: Is to imitate whom God is calling you to imitate. That person, that servant of God.
I have imitated my spiritual father. I am fruit from my spiritual father. How my heart has transformed is by imitating my spiritual father. How I have gone through persecution and stayed strong and kept my mouth shut and blessed my enemies and have been kind and loving to my enemies, that was from imitating my spiritual father. From imitating his life and hearing what he has gone through and his persecution in the past, that it moved me to tears when he‘d tell me about it, and also hearing his direction. When I share with him about the persecution I was going through and hearing just his gentleness. The way he was loving to my enemies, although I knew it hurt him. How he was loving to this enemies, because so much of the persecution I‘ve gone through, probably the majority of it, was connected to my spiritual father. It was persecution against both him and me.
So many people would say: “Oh, you should just disconnect from your spiritual father.“
So many would say that. And that didn’t surprise me because the more you are like Jesus, the more you‘ll be persecuted. Jesus was the very most persecuted person of all time. So the more we are like Jesus, the more we will be persecuted. He was lied on, falsely accused, all evil things spoken about him. Those things are going to happen to those who are like Jesus, no matter what! We don’t get to skip past that. That will happen! So it actually makes sense that he was persecuted even more than me, or that the main reason I was persecuted was because of him. Because he is even more like Jesus than me. Amen.
Matthew 5:11
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven. For in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
This is new covenant. Matthew.
Reiterating that God uses prophets today whether or not the body of Christ wants to accept them totally. This is God‘s way that he uses prophets.
So it says: For in the same way they persecuted the prophets…. Specifically the prophets! …who were before you. Amen.
So here is a secret to how I was able to endure persecution: Because my spiritual father encouraged me.
“You know, it doesn’t matter what they say, what they do. God‘s word will never fail. All that I prophesied to you, it will still come to pass. God is taking you through this to refine you. There is nothing to worry about.“
He would speak to me with gentleness, with such strength. And kindness towards my enemies. The way he spoke with kindness towards both of our enemies is what helped me to be kind to my enemies. It is what helped me to not give into temptation of defending myself. Just hearing how he would speak to me. How there wasn’t this bitterness, hatred, resentment towards both of our enemies, when they were saying even more evil things about him than me. The way he spoke said a lot about his heart and about how I was supposed to be.
So I imitated him as he imitated Christ. I saw his compassion and heart and love for people and I prayed to God one day:
“Lord, I want his heart! The selflessness he has, complete death to self.“
This is one thing I learned from him from the beginning.
Well, seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added. All these things, all these desires of your heart, they‘ll all be added. But we are really supposed to lay down all our desires and revere God‘s desires so much more. That‘s what I learned through him. I have seen how the desires we have are so insignificant compared to God‘s desires.
Like when God says: “Do this! I need you to do this. I need you to lay down your desires, your will, your plans and do this“, we should be ready. “Yes, Lord!“
Instead of: “This is hard.“ Complaining, wining about it, crying.
Because when you do that, then serving God becomes difficult and hard and heavy. It doesn’t need to be that way.
It just takes humility. Reverence. Fear of God.
I had this revelation: God is calling me to do something very huge, very significant! So many people will be healed, delivered and encounter his love if I can just be obedient. Because I have received this prophecy through my spiritual father. So I understood this. I understood this gravity. And so the fear of God came upon me from my example from my spiritual father of how insignificant my desires were. How I needed to treat them as that compared to God‘s desires. And not complain to God. And just drop them and run: “Yes, Lord! I am a servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you have said. Yes, Lord! This is very important what you are calling me to do. Yes, Lord!“ I saw that in him.
I saw that he didn’t even baby me. He wasn’t like: “I know, it‘s so hard to let go of all of these things. You are so amazing, Apostle Kathryn, for giving up these things for God.“ He didn’t baby me like that. I just saw the seriousness in him for the work of God. That our greatest love should be for God‘s people. Our greatest love should be serving God‘s people. That‘s God‘s heart. Hallelujah. Amen.
I was so humbled to have my spiritual father there at that event. It was such an honor of my life. Because I revere him as this great general in the kingdom of God. And I knew who I was before I became his spiritual daughter. I didn’t have any anointing in me. And now look what God has done after I received the impartation through him! I did not have the wisdom I do now, until God used him to teach me, equip me, open my spiritual eyes. I did not have the love for people, the servant heart before, until I had this example and how he helped me be more like Jesus. I didn’t have the discernment in the spiritual realm, the ability, the knowledge of how to cast out demons and minister to people in general until God used him to equip me and teach me.
So to see him there was one of the greatest honors of my life and really humbled me so much. Just to have him there. Supporting me. And celebrating what God has done. Amen.
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