How To Get Selfishness Out Of You

practical wisdom

This message was released by Apostle Kathryn Krick Lead Pastor/ Apostle of 5F Church in Los Angeles, CA on  October 1, 2024. Below is a word for word translation of the message as if Apostle Kathryn is writing this to you. To watch the full clip scroll to the bottom of this post. We pray this teaching blesses you and equips you to walk as a powerful vessel of God.  

How can we fully crucify selfishness and being self-absorbed?

It‘s a choice to do any type of action. You can choose to do something you don’t want to do. So if you are full of all sorts of selfishness, being self-absorbed, guess what: You are not going to feel like doing selfless acts. 

But you have the power and ability to do those things. 

That is a big way of crucifying that flesh. By sacrificing. Doing something you don’t want to do. Picking up your cross and just doing it. That‘s you denying your flesh and saying: “No, I will not be this way. I am going to be a selfless person. I am going to have a servant heart. I am going to put people before myself, I am going to put God‘s work first.”

Big examples of this are in giving into the work of God, sowing into the work of God. Continually and generously. 

Another way you can do this is by serving in the work of God. 

If you don’t know how to serve: A big way how you can serve is share what God is doing, share the videos. Share, Like, Comment. Do your part to make the videos be seen by more people.

And then on a day-to-day basis put other people first. 

Look for ways to serve people. Look for ways to serve your family members. Look for ways to serve your friends. Be sensitive to their needs. Be sensitive to how you can help them. Be alert. Be aware. And do it.

And fast whatever the selfish things are. If there’s certain selfish things in your life that you are able to fast, fast them. 

If you find gratifying your flesh of entertainment, being on social media for so long, watching TV or movies for so long, if that is preventing you from being selfless in some areas, it is taking up time that you could be serving God. If you find things like this, then fast these things that are keeping you from being selfless. 

If it is being generous, fast spending so much money on yourself, so you are able to make the selfless act.

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