Let Go of Abram Land
Abram was called to leave his land when God was giving him a new name & placing him in the land where he would fufill his purpose. That’s the same for us today. You can’t bring people from Abram land that are stuck in old wine, that can’t receive the new wine with you if you want to go where God has called you to. It won’t work. It’ll be pulling you back. There WILL BE PEOPLE that don’t get it. That are like how the Pharisees were, like they were STUCK in the old wine. They just won’t get it. Their eyes just won’t open up. Or at least in this season they will not open up & that’s just how it is & we just have to accept that. And we have to realize that it’s not doing us any good to bring Abram land with us. We can’t. God called Abram to leave the old land & leave the old people behind. They were there for a season. They were good in a season but they can’t help you get to where God has called you to go. They will pull you back.
God doesn’t want you to be held back. He doesn’t want you to be halfway in, halfway out, halfway in the new wine but holding on to Abram land at the same time. Pulling the friends with the old wineskin that won’t leave their old wineskin, pulling them along with you. You won’t be the most powerful vessel of God you can be. You still love everyone from our past, but new boundaries need to be made in different seasons according to how God’s leading you. And it’s making room for the right people to come alongside you. God can’t entrust you with the right, good people in the Abraham land if you’re still hanging on to Abram land people. He can’t entrust because then you’re going to hold them back. You know people that are fully surrendered in Abraham land, people that are fully surrendered in the new wine- He can’t entrust THEM to you, to be a friend to you if you aren’t ALL IN because you will pull them back. So, it’s missing out on what God has for you, on fulfilling your purpose, if you hang on to Abram land.
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