Maintaining Your Deliverance - Part One


Matthew 12:43-45 TPT

“When a demon is cast out of a person, it roams around a dry region, looking for a place to rest, but never finds it. Then it says, ‘I’ll return to the house I moved out of,’ and so it goes back, only to find that the house is vacant, warm, and ready for it to move back in. So it goes looking for seven other demons more evil than itself, and they all enter together to live there. Then the person’s condition becomes much worse than it was in the beginning. This describes what will also happen to the people of this evil generation.”

When a demon is cast out, the devil is not happy that the demon was cast out & that he no longer has a grip on that persons life — so now that person can glorify God and walk in their calling and destroy the devils kingdom.

This is why the devil sends demons - to keep children of God from glorifying God the most. We glorify God the most when we are showing what Jesus has done on the cross for us (not just eternal life) but Jesus saved us here and now and removed our chains and set us free! Now we’re walking in abundant life! That’s how we shine the brightest for God, and gives Him the most glory!

Walking free should be priority for us so our light can be bright so people can be led to Jesus! There is such a difference of someone preaching the gospel with the light of Jesus shining through them and the power of God moving through them because they’re free and they’re filled vs. someone preaching the gospel in bondage..

The devil wants to send demons because he hates people and he knows it keeps the children of God pinned down and from being effective for God and to destroy his kingdom. We need to understand that the devil does not want us to be free and he will not be happy when we are free.

Matthew 12:43-45 is powerful and shows what’s going on in the spiritual realm. When a demon leaves, the demon want to come back. The devil wants even more demons to come back.

When someone is free, the devil is being shamed, so now the devil wants to really shame Christian’s and God by making it worse for the person than it was before. That’s where the devils heads at. So we need to know this truth. We gotta be cautious. We gotta take this principle of maintaining our deliverance seriously. He means serious business and we don’t want him to win, we want to keep our freedom…so we need to be serious!!

The devil wants to bring more powerful demons back. So on some occasions (not every time) it looks to see if it can come back. The demon left that person but then sees there was no change, the person is vacant and ready for that demon to go back and be comfortable there. When a demon leaves, we need to know that we need to change some things. It’s gotta look real different inside so that demon doesn’t find a vacant space for it. They see I can’t go back in there. That’s what they have to find.

This is a teaching on how to be filled so we are not vacant, so the demon cannot go back in.

Witches are the ones that send demons, they do witchcraft because they are given power from the devil, they have authority over demons to send them to people. But they only have authority if the person allows it and the person opens up a door in their life in the spiritual realm (Unknowingly or knowingly) That’s when there is legal access and a witch can see “I have authority here to send a demon here because they are allowing me to because they left a door open”.

Now when a demon is cast out, where does it go? It goes back to the witches or warlocks. Sometimes it goes to the pit. But as we see with Jesus, He was concerned with casting them out, we don’t see Him killing them all off. The demons said to Jesus - don’t send us to the pit, send us to the pigs. And He did that.

But the thing is that, the devil is allowed to exist. It will be different when we go to heaven when Jesus returns it will be different. In Heaven, the kingdom of the devil is not allowed to operate at all. But on earth, he is allowed to operate. The Kingdom of God is much more powerful and always victorious over the devil!

Every human has free will, and the devil is allowed to have a kingdom (that’s always less powerful than Gods Kingdom) and people aren’t forced to go to heaven. God gave us a free will so people can have demons. We’re not supposed to get in the way of peoples free will. That’s why it’s wrong to force Jesus on people. It’s the kindness of God that leads to repentance.

The devil is allowed to send demons out in this earth. We’re not in heaven yet. Our mission isn’t to kill every demon on the earth. Our mission is to cast them out of the children of God. To cast them out out of those who come to Jesus. Cast them out. Not do this and that. Simply cast them out!

The reason that demons come back and come back with more is because of 2 things.

  1. A person is not valuing Jesus their deliverer
  2. Because they aren’t valuing, they aren’t surrendering.

These are the 2 BIG principles in maintaining your deliverance. VALUE your deliverance & SURRENDER your WHOLE life.

That verse (above) is talking about people who receive deliverance but don’t value it. They keep 1 foot in the world. They allow people to speak lies to them. They listen to the accuser of the brethren and doubt their deliverance because they did not value it. They received deliverance but didn’t value it and they doubt God and start to open up doors. Then the demons come back. Then their life seems to be worse, they lost their deliverance and they listen to demonic voices (you weren’t really delivered, demons were put in you).

The wicked and evil generation that doesn’t value what God really did for them, and understand that it’s the doors they opened that led to more demons coming back, they believe these lies. That’s wicked! This happens! People have genuinely received deliverance and be touched by God. They testify and have so much joy but then they open up doors and allow demons to come and allow voices to speak to them and speak against the servant of God that cast the demons out!

Its a responsibility for ministers to cast out demons of people that come to their church that are oppressed. Jesus says to his disciples — you cast out demons. Not teach people how to cast out demons out of themselves. Someone in bondage needs a higher level anointing to cast demons out of them. The anointing can’t really grow when you’re in bondage. They need the higher level anointing from someone who isn’t in bondage. Jesus says you need help the people in bondage, they can’t help themselves, you need to release the anointing and take the authority and cast them out.

It should be a serious responsibility. I was told by Jesus to cast out demons and I understand the principle of receiving anointing, most times it comes through impartation so i better humble myself and position myself so I can receive impartation so i can fulfill the great commission that God has commanded me to do! I don’t wanna be judged by God that i didn’t deliver His people and they stayed in bondage. It’s a big deal, we’re representing Jesus. We better represent Him right.

Otherwise people will come to church and they will stay in bondage and say well i guess Jesus can’t free me.

It’s the ministers responsibility to execute the authority and cast out the demon. But it’s not their responsibility to make the person maintain their deliverance, it’s the responsibility of the person who was delivered. It’s your responsibility to maintain your deliverance & to listen to the equipping teachings and to take it in and live it.

James 1:21-22

“Don’t just listen to the Word of Truth and not respond to it, for that is the essence of self-deception. So always let his Word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life! If you listen to the Word and don’t live out the message you hear, you become like the person who looks in the mirror of the Word to discover the reflection of his face in the beginning. You perceive how God sees you in the mirror of the Word, but then you go out and forget your divine origin. But those who set their gaze deeply into the perfecting law of liberty are fascinated by and respond to the truth they hear and are strengthened by it—they experience God’s blessing in all that they do!” ‭

Look intently and DO IT! Then you will walk in abundant life!

#1. Value your deliverance. Remember it. (Sometimes it’s tangible, sometimes it’s not, but both are equally beautiful and both better be valued) no one can deliver you from these things except Jesus Christ!

Nothing can get rid of it except Him. None of us deserve that freedom that Jesus brings. But this a free gift that God gives us. What is more valuable than Jesus saving you? It’s something to be valued and cherished more than riches and jewels and diamonds and everything in this world.

You need to be really intentional to value it. Do not see it as cheap. Value what God has done. Value it by thanking Him continually. Value it by meditating on it. Make it a practice. (Write it down, testify etc.) if you don’t value it, you open a door for the demons to come back. this is part of filling the inside of you so the demons see it can’t come back.

Exodus 14:12

Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!”

God had delivered the Israelites of hundreds of years of slavery. He did it so miraculously, no one could’ve ever imagined that Pharaoh their hard hearted king would say okay you can just leave, I’ll have no slaves at all. This was only possible by God. God did so many signs and wonders and miracles to make Pharaoh let them go. They witnessed with their own eyes!

Yet after they left Egypt, and they’re just beginning their journey to the promised land, they come to the sea. And behind them is pharaoh and his army. And these Israelites say that. (Exodus 14:12)

You know they did not value what God had did for them. If they did bring to remembrance all the miracles God did, all the plagues, that would’ve built their faith to be so strong that when they saw the sea and the army coming and they would’ve said God I wonder what you’re gonna do next! He’s not done with his signs and wonders! They wouldn’t of immediately doubted, saying I wish I just stayed in Egypt, looks like we’re gonna die now.

When you value what God has done for you, where He brought you from, that’s what builds your faith. When an obstacle comes your way, you know Gods gonna do a miracle! He is faithful! I believe there will be breakthrough!

So remember, we have to be aware that the devil isn’t happy when we receive deliverance. He’s gonna attack! But not weapon formed will prosper (when you’re surrendered and serious about maintaining your deliverance and serving Him). But those attacks will come.

Value what God did so your faith can grow and be surrendered so your not quick to speak a word of death, but you’re quick to please God and quick to speak a word of life and a word of faith, and then you’ll have victory.

This is what’s gonna happen. Be expectant for attacks to come. Be expectant for victory. Be expectant that you’re going to have to use your faith muscle that’s grown. Your faith just grew like never before because you’ve never seen Him deliver you of the bondage you were. So be expectant for attacks to come. Be strong in faith and resist them. Walk in faith and believe that God is bringing you from glory to glory and you’re not going backwards.

If people don’t value what God has done and not let their faith to grow, they see the attacks come and they become like the Israelites. They immediately listen to the devils lies and he comes back worse. This comes from not valuing. Value what God has done. Do not let the devil steal it. Do not forget it.

We as humans, it’s natural to forget. You have to take intention to remember. Life is good so you forget what life used to be like. Something comes your way and then you forget how good your life is now compared to what it used to be! Do what you have to do to value what God has done for you!

#2 Surrender to God everything

If you value what God has done for you, it will help you to surrender. Many times what leads people into surrender is their deliverance because the bondage was so much torment and they had it for so long, that when they encounter Gods goodness, it opens up their eyes to His love and see that He is truly worthy!!!! Surrender your dreams your will your passions your selfish ambitions your relationships your daily life how you spend your time what you watch on your phone and your tv. Surrender it all to God.

Ephesians 4:27 - Do not give the devil a foothold!

This means that we can! This is written to Christian’s in the New Testament. That means an open door, like leaving the door cracked open of your apartment. Giving permission for an intruder to come in.

This is why Christian’s can have demons because we have free will to give demons legal access or not. It’s our choice. Just because we call ourselves Christian’s doesn’t mean we don’t have free will in this are. This is how Christian’s can have demons. Sometimes it’s your own choice, sometimes it’s generationally, sometimes it happened as a child and you weren’t equipped. Children should be equipped with this meat - they can understand it!

Once you are delivered, you need to evaluate your spiritual life. What doors are remaining open?

Sometimes the door can’t be shut until you’re delivered. EX.) soul ties. With a relationship where there is a demonic soul tie - you’ve tried to end it but there was a force where you couldn’t say no to them no matter what. It is spiritual. There was a force keeping you stuck with this person. You needed deliverance from this demonic soul tie, it needed it to be broken by the anointing. Now you’re free to say no and set boundaries.

There’s a window of grace to shut the door after your deliverance. Shut it immediately!

This happens a lot. For example someone is free from drugs or alcohol and they don’t have a desire for it all. But they keep the alcohol there. And they say a few weeks later “i like the taste of wine, I’ll just have 1 glass, I don’t have the desire so I’ll be fine” but that’s an open door. Then they start craving another drink, and then that demon comes back and comes back with even more.

Shut the door immediately, get rid of all the alcohol or whatever the door is. IMMEDIATELY!! Or else you’re leaving the door open. You have to take it seriously.

#1. Close the doors that were already open because they couldn’t be closed until you were free. Now you can close them!

#2. You need to be serious about the other open doors in your life that haven’t led to bondage yet but WILL. The devils coming for them now if you keep them open still.

How it works with leaving the door open — like a car.

If you forget to lock your car door, your car can be broken into. This is how it is. You can leave a door open, it doesn’t mean you’re automatically getting a demon, but it’s risky. This is why you should always keep the door shut.

So the door has been shut in the main area of bondage you had, but if you’re still living lukewarm in some areas, he knows the doors you have open but hasn’t tried yet because he was content with that main area because you were in bondage he didn’t need to go anywhere else.

But now he wants to shame God and shame you and shame the church, so now he’s after you. He’s looking what doors are open. So you need to get serious! Take your surrender seriously!

Take inventory on your life. What doors are open? Stop speaking the words of death, that’s a big one! Only speak life! Start being quiet.

Think before you speak. Don’t talk immediately. Don’t talk just to talk so God can train you to only speak life and not to speak your emotions so you don’t speak words of death over yourself or other people.

Some doors we need to be careful to close:

  1. Words of death
  2. Alcohol/drugs/porn - whatever leads to addiction
  3. Being on social media too much
  4. Bad entertainment (impure movies etc.)
  5. Bad influences - people in your life. Don’t bring in the wrong people close. Love them but don’t need to be buddy buddy. Be aware of who you are listening to!

God is not calling you to listen to everybody. You don’t need to be listening to here there everywhere. Be still and receive. Don’t listen to Christian voices coming with jealousy and coming to try to take down the work of God. That’s a big area the devil is coming to take peoples deliverance. That’s where he gets to shame God and the church the most - when he turns something that’s giving God the most glory - someone who is delivered - to now have them speaking against Jesus the deliverer Himself - and saying deliverance isn’t real.

Be aware of who you’re listening to. It’s not wise to have your ear open to everyone. You don’t know who’s going to speaking good one day and bad the next day. That’s why you need to listen to God with where He wants you to be planted and listen there.



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