Taking Care of Your Body the Spiritual Way
God lives in this body & so we shouldn’t just be living however we want but we should live with that intention. It's the same thing as if the house was like a mess and Jesus was coming over to stay at your house, you would get the best house cleaner to help you. I mean you would work so hard to make sure that when Jesus came, He felt comfortable and it wasn’t dirty, it wasn't sloppy, but it was clean & nice. And so, Holy Spirit lives in us. We should care for our temple, for that house that God lives in so that it’s healthy, so that it’s functioning well.
You don’t need to unnecessarily eat things you hate. Do what you need to do to be eating healthy. Look for protein on the plate & vegetables, have fruit. Just make sure you’re eating a balanced meal & you’re being intentional about it. It’s okay to have sweets sometimes. But it’s not okay to lack self-control. It’s not okay when you have a sugar addiction & you’re feeding it. So, when you’re noticing that you’re needing to have sugar several times a day, that’s an indicator that there’s a sugar addiction. And so, renounce it & start having self-disciple. Just because it’s offered to you, you have self-discipline & not take it. It’s okay to have sometimes, but it’s about moderation & it’s just so important that you’re not doing it because you’re like “I just want it. I just have to have it”. Eating well, you’ll find that you feel better & even eating it, once you start doing it, you’ll find that you’ll eat something & you’ll feel like “This is healthy & this is good for my body” & you’ll feel good. But then when you eat something bad, you already feel like “oooouuhhh, this is not good for me”. All of you starts to feel it.
Just start making the intention, making the intention & be smart about it with finding things you enjoy. You become transformed. You become transformed. It's the same principle of doing anything for God. At first, it’s hard. At first, it’s difficult. At first, it’s a stretch. At first, your flesh is strong. But the more Godly you become, you actually desire, you naturally desire to do these Godly things & you don’t desire to do the things of the world at all, that you used to desire. So, you need to just start taking that step, make that intention so God can transform you.
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