The Importance of Saying No
When God is calling you to say no, that’s 100% obedience to God. And it’s not being unloving, that’s you loving God. So, “no” has to be a part of your vocabulary. There's no way you can be a true believer and please God and please people, right? The Bible says we cannot be pleasing God and be pleasing people. So, what does that mean? “No” has to be part of our vocabulary. So, get used to it. We gotta grow up. We gotta be STRONG and do what God is calling us to do. Do uncomfortable things. Yes, it’s going to be uncomfortable to say no sometimes, especially when people are trying to manipulate you. You just have to be confident in what God has called you to do and be strong and know that God is with you, helping you put boundaries up. Helping you keep the doors shut to the devil. Helping you to say NO and stand firm. It doesn’t matter what your personality is, you can be courageous and strong through Christ. It doesn’t matter if your whole life you were taken advantage of, you were a pushover, you were shy. It does not matter. You CAN DO what God is calling you to do.
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